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Reliable and proper overhead crane performance is important to ensure personnel safety, nuclear safety, and the protection of important assets such as the reactor vessel internals, the reactor pressure vessel (RPV) head, fuel assemblies, and dry fuel storage casks.
"Irradiation assisted stress corrosion cracking of reactor vessel internals is an important consideration as nuclear plants reach extended lifetimes. One component that is critical to maintaining the structural integrity of the internals and that has been shown to be susceptible to aging mechanisms is the baffle-to-former bolts (or baffle bolts)."
Westinghouse, through its subsidiary WesDyne International, provides nondestructive examination (NDE) services and inspection equipment for both the nuclear and non-nuclear power generation industries.
PWR operators are required to perform bare metal visual (BMV) inspections of their Reactor Vessel Heads (RVH) including the interface around each CRDM / CEDM penetration, head vent (if present), and 100 percent of the bare metal down to the flange in accordance with code case N-729-6.
Since 2013, debris-induced fuel failures have led to declining fuel performance industrywide as addressed in INPO Event Report 19-6. Not only do these failures lead to increased fission products in the reactor coolant system (RCS),
Westinghouse, the world’s pioneering nuclear power company, supplied the world’s first commercial pressurized water reactor (PWR) in 1957 at Shippingport, Pennsylvania (USA). Today, the company is a fully integrated, worldwide supplier of both PWR and boiling water reactor (BWR) services.
To maintain Class 1E qualification standards when replacing low-voltage motors, Westinghouse Nuclear Services offers a range of motors manufactured to original Westinghouse specifications and qualification standards for safety-related Class 1E applications in nuclear power plants.
To help utilities maintain Class 1E qualification standards when replacing Westinghouse mediumvoltage motors, Westinghouse rotating equipment services (RES) offers interchangeable mediumvoltage motors in the World Series, Lifeline D, Lifeline A and Type CSP designs for safety-related Class 1E applications
The foreign material that can be captured, using the DUST, includes things like small bolts, washers, shavings, plastic tie wraps, and pieces of cloth. The suction force can be adjusted by the operator in a fully variable fashion, allowing for high precision during retrieval of debris.
The oil level indicating system on Westinghouse reactor coolant pump (RCP) motors monitors the oil inventory within the bearing oil reservoir. The concept behind the original system used on the lower oil reservoir on RCP motors was a simple transference of oil level from inside the bearing oil reservoir to an alarm reservoir and sight glass that is external to the lower oil reservoir.
Reactor coolant pump (RCP) control leak-off seal performance is heavily influenced by a variety of plant and environmental conditions that can directly impact the RCP seal leak-off rate, the dominant variable used to evaluate seal performance. Unplanned forced outages or an extension of an outage can result if leak-off rates approach their lower or higher operating limits.
Westinghouse, offers pre- and post-installation service and support for both fuel-handling and outagecritical cranes. A year-round support program, it was developed to focus on this equipment before, during, and after an outage. By targeting these areas, our procedures remain current, maintenance items are addressed quickly, spare parts are optimized, and upgrades are evaluated.
Since 1968, Westinghouse has provided premier customer-focused refueling services for hundreds of plant outages worldwide. Our vast experience is unequaled in the industry and uniquely qualifies us to offer superior services.
Operating nuclear plants are required to perform various Non-Destructive Examinations (NDE) of their Reactor Vessel Heads (RVHs) in accordance with federal regulations and ASME Code Section XI.
Genetec Security Center is a truly unified platform that blends IP video surveillance, access control, automatic license plate recognition, intrusion detection, and communications within one intuitive and modular solution. By taking advantage of a unified approach to security, your organization becomes more efficient, makes better decisions, and responds to situations and threats with greater confidence.
At Westinghouse, pump and motor service is one of our primary specialties. For over 35 years, we’ve designed and manufactured pumps and motors for the nuclear industry. As this equipment ages, it must be maintained, repaired, or sometimes replaced.
With the new high-power motor test system, Westinghouse has expanded full functional testing capabilities for the nuclear industry. With the addition of the following upgrades, Westinghouse is even better able to serve its customers.
Cameras play a key role in the safety of workers and equipment in the nuclear industry. They are used to remotely monitor activities such as job coverage, personnel monitoring, fire watch, dose reduction, inspections, and monitoring of controls, gauges, and site glass. Due to the ever-changing demands for video quality, usability and the obsolescence of components, Westinghouse has launched its latest Power over Ethernet (PoE) compact and robust high definition (HD) pan, tilt, and zoom (PTZ) video camera; the ICH 5 Thunderforce Camera.
Westinghouse is uniquely qualified to perform turn-key services utilizing its OEM experience, state-of-the-art technology and skilled workforce to help utilities successfully complete outage campaigns. We have excelled in performing these services for over 40 years, on five continents, resulting in top-quartile performance for our clients. Together, we have achieved safe operations, extended component life, and maximized power output.
The ability to measure is critical to the successful execution of any kind of project. Work of any kind requires precise measurement systems to provide repeatable, accurate measurements. Westinghouse, through its welding and machining group of companies, understands the importance of this need, and offers a wide array of metrology services.
XProtect Corporate is IP video management software (VMS) designed for large-scale, highsecurity installations that demand situation awareness of any event and uninterrupted access to live or recorded video. Providing endto-end protection of video integrity, while maximizing hardware performance, Xprotect Corporate uses its central management platform, built-in video wall and support for failover recording servers to provide an integrated and flexible video management system.
Stress corrosion cracking (SCC) of nuclear steam supply systems poses a significant problem for the nuclear industry.
Westinghouse’s Nuclear Component Repair Center (NCRC) in Madison, Pennsylvania (USA), provides the nuclear industry access to the most experienced quality and safety-conscious resources for pump, motor and component engineering and repair services. The NCRC has a large and well-equipped repair machine shop for working on contaminated equipment and supporting a full scope of services.
Operators of Pressurized Water Reactors (PWRs) with reactor vessel (RV) nozzle dissimilar metal (DM) safe-end welds, which are susceptible to primary water stress corrosion cracking, are required to examine those welds with increased frequency unless mitigating actions are taken. Requirements for these examinations are specified in American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Section XI, Code Case N-770 latest approved revision specified in 10CFR50.55a.
In 2010, an international plant was shut down due to primary coolant leakage from a serviceinduced crack in a deformed pressurizer heater well insert (HWI). Intergranular stress corrosion cracking had initiated on the outside diameter surfaces of the heater sheaths, allowing primary water to enter the heater elements. The primary water then reacted with the magnesium oxide insulation inside of the heater internals, resulting in volume increase and subsequent splitting of the heater sheaths and HWIs.
Westinghouse is the most trusted worldwide industry leader to provide support for all facets of pump, motor and seal field maintenance and repair activities.
The Q-BOX is a single, easy-to-mount package that utilizes a QUESTemp-44 and a 900MHz transmitter to monitor the local environment. The QUESTemp-44 utilizes a Waterless Wet Bulb sensor designed for working environments where daily instrument upkeeping is difficult.
The WESDYNE® INTERNATIONAL team has proven its capability to solve the most complex and urgent inspection challenges in the nuclear industry in a safe and efficient manner.
In today’s market, the primary focus is to “do more with less.” Utilities no longer have the luxury of keeping all functions needed to run their businesses in-house. With the deregulation of the electric utility industry and the continuous push to lower costs associated with the production of electricity, many utilities need to outsource more and more of the functions they once performed themselves to remain competitive. As the foremost nuclear service supplier, Westinghouse offers a comprehensive, costeffective solution to a utility’s long-term viability.
During the life of a nuclear power plant, more than just routine inspections of a reactor coolant pump (RCP) motor are necessary to help prevent unscheduled or extended outages. It is recommended that RCP motors be sent to a service center to be disassembled.
In addition to being the original manufacturer of reactor coolant pump (RCP) seals, Westinghouse provides full-scope seal services to the nuclear industry. From the sale of replacement seals and components, to engineering support and testing, Westinghouse is the one-stop shop for seal related needs.
The Westinghouse Sigma Reactor Coolant Pump Seal provides reliable performance and costs savings to support safe and longterm plant operation.
Westinghouse has designed, manufactured and refurbished hundreds of reactor coolant pumps (RCPs) for the global market, allowing Westinghouse to amass extensive experience and expertise in providing dependable RCPs, for the continued success of its customers. As an original equipment manufacturer (OEM), Westinghouse maintains and has ready access to the original as-built records, which provide the resources to:
As an original equipment manufacturer (OEM) of RCPs, Westinghouse is uniquely qualified to provide full-scope and technical advisory service for all facets of pump and motor field maintenance and repair. With over 60 years of quality service and technological knowhow, we perform dozens of jobs for utilities worldwide each year. In addition to providing routine and full-scope services, technological expertise and customer commitment has made Westinghouse the vendor of choice in critical emergency repair situations. Field services for routine maintenance and emergency repair use the extensive resources of the Westinghouse network of pump- and motor-related facilities and personnel.
Westinghouse operates a state-of-the-art service center to perform tooling refurbishments to assist utilities with tooling maintenance. This service center is staffed with experienced full-time tooling engineers and technicians and has the equipment and mock-ups required to perform proper maintenance and functionality checks to maintain reliability during refueling outages.
Westinghouse has provided refueling training services for pressurized water reactor plants at its Waltz Mill site in Madison, Pennsylvania (USA), for more than 20 years. This training, conducted in the site’s D-bay, is intended for refueling senior reactor operators, fuel/insert movement technicians, site refueling coordinators and fuel equipment engineers. All of the training programs combine formal classroom instruction with handson lab exercises to maximize student learning and skills development. The refueling training facility at the Waltz Mill site includes a complete and fully operational array of actual refueling equipment identical to that found in a typical reactor containment structure.
Westinghouse provides remote robotic cavity cleaning services to reduce personnel radiation exposure and risks, human performance errors, source term and critical path schedule.
When it is not possible to perform a metallographic examination by taking a sample directly from a part to be checked, an investigation can be performed through a replica process. After a proper surface preparation, cellulose acetate sheets are used to make a copy or “replica” of the microstructure of the metal surface to be examined.
Our telemetry monitoring software package provides an easy to use, reliable, comprehensive monitoring solution for radiological safety monitoring activities. The program suite includes system administrative features for configuration and setup in addition to telemetry viewing programs: RMS Table and RMS View.
The Dose & Air Activity Check Point displays real time radiological data in an easy to view format on a mobile all-in-one system display. Westinghouse’s RMS software runs the application on the built-in PC and connects to area monitors and/or air activity monitors via wired or wireless connection.
Westinghouse developed the SHIELD® passive thermal shutdown seal as a passive means of protecting the reactor core. It prevents a loss of reactor coolant system (RCS) water inventory should an event occur that causes a loss of all seal cooling. The SHIELD passive thermal shutdown seal is proven to significantly reduce or eliminate leakage from the reactor coolant pump (RCP) seal with no operator action, power or control logic required.
Solving corrosion-related issues is a major challenge for the worldwide ageing fleet of nuclear power plants, looking for LTO (long-term operation). While utilities can proceed to replacements for many pipes affected by corrosion, a replacement strategy is not always possible. Other maintenance solutions are required for inaccessible or embedded pipes. Moreover, for those pipes which cannot be replaced, internal inspection and corrosion removal become an even greater technical challenge if the pipe’s diameter is small and when the remote access to the zone of interest requires to travel through bended sections and elbows.
Socket welds are used in numerous applications throughout the nuclear industry and due to the unique configuration, size and other limitations, ultrasonic inspection can be challenging. Westinghouse Inspection Services has the equipment, qualifications, and personnel to perform socket weld inspections for the thermal and vibration fatigue degradation mechanism. Even a slight stress flaw is detectable with the help of Westinghouse’s experience and advanced technology.
Over decades of operation, foreign material accumulates under the spent fuel pool storage racks, creating increased dose rates and operational challenges. This material can be in the form of particulate/sludge like material as well as foreign objects. Foreign material can be disturbed by water motion caused by fuel handling and spent fuel pool filtration. Water disturbance affects pool clarity and visibility, increasing the potential for human performance issues, schedule delays, and fuel damage.
"Our standard inspections provide robust and precise solutions. We also are able to adapt to changing outage schedules through our access to more than 80 NDE qualified individuals trained for nuclear site work globally. We use experienced people and also have a strong internal development process.
Steam generator (SG) primary side services include a complete range of primary side maintenance and repair services to support utility SG management programs. Our fullscope integrated service capabilities have been proven to significantly reduce outage durations, minimize radiation exposures and deliver high-quality results. In addition, the unique specialty services we offer have established our product portfolio as the broadest in the industry.
Westinghouse’s steam generator (SG) secondary side services include a complete range of inspection, maintenance and cleaning services to provide customers with options to best meet their long-term strategic goals for SG performance and integrity.
Background TENSOR™ stud tensioners provide utilities with an accurate, reliable, time-saving and costeffective way to tension and detension reactor vessel studs. The TENSOR™
Reactor Pressure Vessel Head (RPVH) Thermal Sleeve (TS) flange wear failure is a known ageing phenomenon on PWR plants. Westinghouse offers a direct visual inspection system capable of accurately assessing Thermal Sleeve and adaptor wear, as well as locating any flange debris in the adaptor housing. The inspection tools are delivered by a tool carrier for an ALARA-optimized inspection.
The VCOM virtual matrix software solution provides the capability for any desktop computer with a headset to communicate with all your communication devices – wireless intercoms, (RADs, HME, Pliant, Tempest, and Telex), speaker stations, SIP speaker stations, analog phones, 2- way radios, etc
The lower canopy seal Weld is a weld between the reactor vessel head control rod drive mechanism (CRDM) latch housing and the reactor vessel head (RVH) penetration adapter. This weld has a tendency to develop cracks as a result of stress corrosion cracking (SCC) and/or original weld defects. These cracks spread through the walls and create leakage.
Westinghouse has provided training services for boiling water reactor (BWR) plants since 1980. These training programs combine formal classroom instruction with hands-on lab exercises to maximize student learning and skills development
Westinghouse’s Waltz Mill Shop and Service Center is dedicated to providing customers with a high level of excellence when it comes to refurbishing rotating equipment components. Integrated in these shop operations is a contaminated machine shop with capabilities to refurbish contaminated and/or safety-related nuclear plant equipment.